Deadsquad 1st CW+TG Server - SKINSHOT
Deadsquad 2nd CW+TG Server - LAGSHOT
PwN3R_B0T's Server [AC] - SKINSHOT
PwN3R_B0T's Server [AC] - LAGSHOT

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Rasclan vs Ds part 2
1) Clanname / Clantag:Rasclan
2) Webpage:
3) Amount of players [X vs X]:3v3
4) Druh zápasu [TG, TCW, CW]CryingW
5) [Run weapons] Rounds x Points / [WALK] Base rounds x Arena: 3x30
6) Date / time: 2020.07.12
7) Contact information: You know that
8) Server: Ras if you can Bigsmile
9) Anything else ? (optional): -

Fps limit 40
Ping limit 100
Packet loss limit 0.3
What about lagshot? We played against you skinshot last cw, it could be nice change.
As you can see we don't have to much lagshot players skafo inaktiv shifer don't even play and the old guys don't care about the game wish we can play but later, want rematch frist Bigsmile
You want make a rematch with your newbies and we have been waiting for this challenge right since they were received. Let's give it time, it's not a game about who draws stronger players into the clan.

Actually we can play lagshot cw and later skinshot rematch. We r playing on ac server by pwner but we can do compromise like againts russians SS. 2 rounds pwner ac and 2 rounds ras server. You gave the challenge I set the conditions take it or not
I actually like the conditions you gave, I hope twk will accept it
Look we don't play lagshot how can we play it then ,we wanted to make later lagshot CW's we are not ready you know very well that the old players are inaktiv from us,and you have other players who only play lagshot, think about this a little bit

There are not to much clans that you can play especially in summer Bigsmile
Later on... One skinshot match and one lagshot on PWNER if you so want to there let's play on that server..
Škoda chalani mohli sme zahrať skinshot keďže na to sme momentálne zameraní a hráčov na lagshot nemame resp absolútne netrenujeme, mohli sme zahrať odvetu na skine kľudne 2 kola ras 2 kola pwner a mohli sme sa zabaviť, predsa len sme tu jediní aktívni čo sú cez 10 rokov na tejto scéne. Po cw na skine natrenujeme lagshot a podáme výzvu znova a zas mozme odohrať 2 zápasy. Moc klanov tu fakt neni, obzvlášť take ako my.
TweaK wrote:

Look we don't play lagshot how can we play it then ,we wanted to make later lagshot CW's we are not ready you know very well that the old players are inaktiv from us,and you have other players who only play lagshot, think about this a little bit

There are not to much clans that you can play especially in summer Bigsmile
Later on... One skinshot match and one lagshot on PWNER if you so want to there let's play on that server..

Tell me one clan on this scene who can play actually lagshot like as before. Ye we play sometimes lagshot cws but our main players r long time inactive like yours so stop talking about who is ready for playing lagshot.

I can tell you about activity same on skinshot. We r inactive compared to your players but stop talking about shits. We wants first lagshot cw and next week we can play skinshot.

Here is my suggestion:


7.12. Sunday
2 rounds pwner ac
2 rounds dtk ac


7.19. Sunday
2 rounds pwner ac
2 rounds dtk ac
SKAFO -> "Pesna prosím ťa ty už nehunti fre winy a neurčuj si podmienky tak aby sme boli v nevýhode. Keď sme mali slabšiu zostavu bez problému si prikývol aj na skinshot a vieš prečo? Lebo freewin. Teraz keď sa nám podarilo vyskladať zostavu ktorá vám dá zabrať tak už chceš lagshot? Lagshot proti hráčom ktorí sú inactive už nejaký ten rok? Ktorí tú hru už ani v PC nemajú ta to je o čom? 😀 DS si cením ste kvalitný klan ale toto je večná rozprávka u vás. Vždy nejaké to ultimátum aby ste mali free win 😀 A pak tvrdiť že ste najlepší keď hráte proti hovnám stále a proti dobrým si dáte ultimátum aby sa karty natočili vo váš prospech. Bež sa prosím ťa prevetrať von je rok 2020 a ty si taký istý ako 5 rokov dozadu. Stále tie tvoje podmienky. Veď my sa na hru s vami môžeme vyjebať, akurát že je lepší tryhard proti silným hráčom ako to riešiť jak vy a hrať proti hovnám. Sohy nohy a neber to v zlom ale fakt si mi nasmiech ty ultimátum chodiace."
Allow me a question.

Tell me one clan on this scene who can play actually lagshot like as before. Ye we play sometimes lagshot cws but our main players r long time inactive like yours so stop talking about who is ready for playing lagshot.

I can tell you about activity same on skinshot. We r inactive compared to your players but stop talking about shits. We wants first lagshot cw and next week we can play skinshot.

I'm not going to blame anyone, just look at our squad currently. We (RaS squad) are based on Skinshot, and you can clearly see it. You have some players that actually plays lagshot and skinshot, for example Roc, Pwner. I know they are both inactive, but for example Roc compared to Rasta is a free point to you.
We have talked about lagshot in our team, and just look at our, and your lineups:
Ds team can be: Pesna, Roc, Cortez, 4
So what ras can be? Our skinshot lineup? So Rassta who mainly hates lagshot and he never plays it? Or how is that?
And also, if we want to play skinshot, why do you have to make complications that first you want to play lagshot? I'm gonna be completely objective here, and not to blame Ds or anyone, I feel a little scare from your side.
You can't say that you know that we can play lagshot, yes, we can, but we have 100% chance to lose, we are based on SKINSHOT and not lagshot, and I think whole CZ/SK scene knows that currently.
Waiting for your answer, and i'm repeating myself, I don't want to blame anyone, this is just my personal view Smile
TweaK wrote:

SKAFO -> "Pesna prosím ťa ty už nehunti fre winy a neurčuj si podmienky tak aby sme boli v nevýhode. Keď sme mali slabšiu zostavu bez problému si prikývol aj na skinshot a vieš prečo? Lebo freewin. Teraz keď sa nám podarilo vyskladať zostavu ktorá vám dá zabrať tak už chceš lagshot? Lagshot proti hráčom ktorí sú inactive už nejaký ten rok? Ktorí tú hru už ani v PC nemajú ta to je o čom? 😀 DS si cením ste kvalitný klan ale toto je večná rozprávka u vás. Vždy nejaké to ultimátum aby ste mali free win 😀 A pak tvrdiť že ste najlepší keď hráte proti hovnám stále a proti dobrým si dáte ultimátum aby sa karty natočili vo váš prospech. Bež sa prosím ťa prevetrať von je rok 2020 a ty si taký istý ako 5 rokov dozadu. Stále tie tvoje podmienky. Veď my sa na hru s vami môžeme vyjebať, akurát že je lepší tryhard proti silným hráčom ako to riešiť jak vy a hrať proti hovnám. Sohy nohy a neber to v zlom ale fakt si mi nasmiech ty ultimátum chodiace."

Asi k tobe prichazi spatne informace, lepsi bude, kdyz dojdes na web a prectes si to sam, jelikoz tady nikdo netvrdi, ze nepujdeme hrat skinshot. Porad si stezujete ze uz neni pomalu s kym hrat a ja se tomu nedivim, kdyz pretahujete do Ras ty nejlepsi hrace z ostatnich klanu, dokonce i z nasich rad jste se o to pokouseli, k smichu.

Nevytahuj tady laskave sracky, ze hrajeme proti slabsim, hrajeme proti vsem co se nam nabidne a jestli timto stylem pretahovani hracu budete i nadale pokracovat budou potom na cw/sk scene vsechno free win.

Odveta by byla pro nas vyzva, bylo obtizne hrat proti uGT,Swe,FOL,RaS zaroven.

Vyse mas muj navrh, my udelame kompromis a vy taky, ber nebo nech byt, jak uz jsem psal tweakovi. Nema cas se tady dohadovat, bud to vemte nebo to tady uzavreme.
DtK wrote:

Allow me a question.

Tell me one clan on this scene who can play actually lagshot like as before. Ye we play sometimes lagshot cws but our main players r long time inactive like yours so stop talking about who is ready for playing lagshot.

I can tell you about activity same on skinshot. We r inactive compared to your players but stop talking about shits. We wants first lagshot cw and next week we can play skinshot.

I'm not going to blame anyone, just look at our squad currently. We (RaS squad) are based on Skinshot, and you can clearly see it. You have some players that actually plays lagshot and skinshot, for example Roc, Pwner. I know they are both inactive, but for example Roc compared to Rasta is a free point to you.
We have talked about lagshot in our team, and just look at our, and your lineups:
Ds team can be: Pesna, Roc, Cortez, 4
So what ras can be? Our skinshot lineup? So Rassta who mainly hates lagshot and he never plays it? Or how is that?
And also, if we want to play skinshot, why do you have to make complications that first you want to play lagshot? I'm gonna be completely objective here, and not to blame Ds or anyone, I feel a little scare from your side.
You can't say that you know that we can play lagshot, yes, we can, but we have 100% chance to lose, we are based on SKINSHOT and not lagshot, and I think whole CZ/SK scene knows that currently.
Waiting for your answer, and i'm repeating myself, I don't want to blame anyone, this is just my personal view Smile

i think ras have good players for lagshot. We played lagshot againts swe when was rasta member. Rys is from fol, clan who had only lagshot squad and you from ugt. Clan with lagshot squad. Its just 3 players who played lagshot actively.
Pesna nechápem tvoju požiadavku, lagshot nehráme tak čo tu požaduješ najprv lagshot cw? Absolútne postráda zmysel čo zas vymyslas. Normalne si chcem zahrať skinshot, chlapci trénujú, zlepšujú sa aby sme trosku otočili staty proti Vám za posledné roky, a ty tu vytiahneš lagshot čo nikto z nás nehrá, vytiahneš tu pár hráčov čo vedia trafiť pred skin a už mame hrať lagshot proti Vám? Nechápem čo zas vymýšľaš. Lagshot si hrajte proti niekomu kto ho aj hráva, lebo inak to nemá potom zmysel, ja neviem boostlo by ti to ego keby hrajú skinshot hráči lagshot proti Vám? Ale vidím že to nemá zmysel a zo svojej požiadavky neodstúpiš. Tak to môžeš rovno locknut a keď budete chcieť hrať skinshot, čo sa normalne aj hráva, tak podajte výzvu. A tu časť o tom že sme chceli pretiahnut hráča k nám z ds. Hej presne cely vás squad som kontaktoval, hlavne wolfa a Wondera. Lock a niekedy možno za pár rokov.
bullshit pesna
Do you want to play on skinshot or not?
Right now i don't care about lagshot later on we can make but now hell no don't be stupid and don't make excuses like everytime when big cw come's your rules are boring we challanged you so accept or lock it.Skafo and Shifer is right let's look at the facts man
You have good squad playing long time,we stared playing in 2019 you also know that Ras was not aktiv around 2015-2018

sure you don't have an active member but its not our problem you know that Bigsmile it took me 1 year too make a good squad.If you are clan leader make the clan aktiv thats all , i succeed you will too but I understand if they were scared cortez already told me that he don't wanna play witch make a other buillshit

You can lock it if you don't want too play and see ya in 2050
skinpič je pro mlaďochy =D..
Pesna wrote:

DtK wrote:

Allow me a question.

Tell me one clan on this scene who can play actually lagshot like as before. Ye we play sometimes lagshot cws but our main players r long time inactive like yours so stop talking about who is ready for playing lagshot.

I can tell you about activity same on skinshot. We r inactive compared to your players but stop talking about shits. We wants first lagshot cw and next week we can play skinshot.

I'm not going to blame anyone, just look at our squad currently. We (RaS squad) are based on Skinshot, and you can clearly see it. You have some players that actually plays lagshot and skinshot, for example Roc, Pwner. I know they are both inactive, but for example Roc compared to Rasta is a free point to you.
We have talked about lagshot in our team, and just look at our, and your lineups:
Ds team can be: Pesna, Roc, Cortez, 4
So what ras can be? Our skinshot lineup? So Rassta who mainly hates lagshot and he never plays it? Or how is that?
And also, if we want to play skinshot, why do you have to make complications that first you want to play lagshot? I'm gonna be completely objective here, and not to blame Ds or anyone, I feel a little scare from your side.
You can't say that you know that we can play lagshot, yes, we can, but we have 100% chance to lose, we are based on SKINSHOT and not lagshot, and I think whole CZ/SK scene knows that currently.
Waiting for your answer, and i'm repeating myself, I don't want to blame anyone, this is just my personal view Smile

i think ras have good players for lagshot. We played lagshot againts swe when was rasta member. Rys is from fol, clan who had only lagshot squad and you from ugt. Clan with lagshot squad. Its just 3 players who played lagshot actively.

Rasta doesn't like lagshot at all, and except me and rees, tell me, who can actually play lagshot good from ras. Shifer, Coman, Skafo? or who do you mean we have good lagshot players? Bigsmile
Ja som za aby sa to odohralo. Či už lagshot alebo skinshot. Predsa sme clany ktore by mali spolu vychadzat a hravať spolu častejšie, keďže sme tu už nejaký ten rok. Ja osobne by som si aj rád tzv. "pokecal" na serveri s luďmi, s ktorymi som hraval a ktorych nejakú tú dobu poznam. :friends:
shifer wrote:

Pesna nechápem tvoju požiadavku, lagshot nehráme tak čo tu požaduješ najprv lagshot cw? Absolútne postráda zmysel čo zas vymyslas. Normalne si chcem zahrať skinshot, chlapci trénujú, zlepšujú sa aby sme trosku otočili staty proti Vám za posledné roky, a ty tu vytiahneš lagshot čo nikto z nás nehrá, vytiahneš tu pár hráčov čo vedia trafiť pred skin a už mame hrať lagshot proti Vám? Nechápem čo zas vymýšľaš. Lagshot si hrajte proti niekomu kto ho aj hráva, lebo inak to nemá potom zmysel, ja neviem boostlo by ti to ego keby hrajú skinshot hráči lagshot proti Vám? Ale vidím že to nemá zmysel a zo svojej požiadavky neodstúpiš. Tak to môžeš rovno locknut a keď budete chcieť hrať skinshot, čo sa normalne aj hráva, tak podajte výzvu. A tu časť o tom že sme chceli pretiahnut hráča k nám z ds. Hej presne cely vás squad som kontaktoval, hlavne wolfa a Wondera. Lock a niekedy možno za pár rokov.

Co si to tady namlouvas. Hraci trenujou, pripravujou se a jine... To delali i pri prvni letosni cw proti vam a i tak skuff napise ze to byl pro nas free win. K teto vyzve by nedoslo tak rychle, kdyby se vam nepodarilo "sehnat" par kvalitnich hracu z ostatnich klanu. Co se tyce pretahovani hracu tak jsem v tomhle pripade nemluvil o tobe, ocividne mate v managmentu vice hracu, ne jen tebe.

Nezjistoval jsem a ani zjistovat nebudu, ale pouze ze zvedavosti. To jste od zmeny hb prestali uplne hrat lagshot a zamerujete se vyhradne na skinshot?

Lagshot cw hrat nechcete, skinshot cw si zahrat muzeme, pozdeji. Muzete na nas jeste vice potrenovat, zlepsovat se, sehnat hrace. Dame tomu nejaky mesic a pak vam podame vyzvu, do te doby at se dari a doufam ze nebudete hravat pouze free win cw jako my.
TweaK wrote:

bullshit pesna
Do you want to play on skinshot or not?
Right now i don't care about lagshot later on we can make but now hell no don't be stupid and don't make excuses like everytime when big cw come's your rules are boring we challanged you so accept or lock it.Skafo and Shifer is right let's look at the facts man
You have good squad playing long time,we stared playing in 2019 you also know that Ras was not aktiv around 2015-2018

sure you don't have an active member but its not our problem you know that Bigsmile it took me 1 year too make a good squad.If you are clan leader make the clan aktiv thats all , i succeed you will too but I understand if they were scared cortez already told me that he don't wanna play witch make a other buillshit

You can lock it if you don't want too play and see ya in 2050

Sorry i cant answer every ras member i hope you guys translate what i said up. Btw. ty for for the advice but im leader maybe longer time then you r playing samp. Leader who drags the best players from other clans into your clan is not leader for me. See you in 2050.
Nechápem co riešiš rekrutovanie hráčov z iných klanov. Áno boli oslovení kvalitní hráči, to je aj pointa rekrutovania hráčov nie ? ale pokial k nám niekto ist nechce tak si app nepodá tak nechápem celu vec okolo toho. Preťahovanie niekoho z vášho klanu ani cezomna nešlo takze tomu ani neprikladaj ziadnu váhu. Opakujem kto nechce ist k nám tak jednoducho nejde.

Čo sa týka hrania na lagshote ako som už napísal, nevylučujeme v budúcnosti ale momentálne sme zameraní na skinshote. Ako sa zmenil hb tak sme ani nehrali, išli sme ešte predtým inactive, všetci hráči čo hrali lagshot už nehrajú. Dnes sa hra skinshot preto naberame hráčov primárne na skinshot. Ale znova, lagshot sa nevylučuje, kľudne zahráme neskôr aj na lagshote, ste jeden z mala klanov na úrovni takze zbytočne neriesme banality.

Tak teda čakáme výzvu keď budete ready, my ideme cez leto trosku inactive keďže v tomto teple sa to tu nedá vydržať. A neboj žiadne free winy nebudú, my nepožadujeme žiadne extra podmienky ktoré naklonia šancu na výhru v nás prospech, okrem hrania na AC, server nám je prakticky jedno. Tak sa vidíme dakedy ku konci leta. Ahoj
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